Before Barry applied, he should have understood what his monthly loan payment would be and when he has to start making payments. Don’t be like Barry. Don’t borrow more than you can afford to payback.
If you already have a student loan:
Barry didn’t know the interest rate on his credit card. He didn’t even realize that when he made a late payment, his interest rate jumped from 20% to 29%. Now he’ll be making big monthly payments long after the thrill of buying is gone.
If you can’t afford to pay cash for something:
Certified used cars come with warranties that give you peace of mind and often come with free maintenance plans like oil changes and tire rotations.
Barry thought he was too young to set aside money for his distant future. He didn’t realize saving a just few (non-taxable) dollars now could mean a big pile of money later.
Many employers match a portion of your contribution.
Heck, Barry doesn’t even know what his credit score is or why it matters.
Check your credit score. Order a free copy of your credit report. Get an app that offers free credit monitoring and tips on how to improve your credit score.
If you drink gourmet coffee, get meals delivered or subscribe to streaming services, you can afford to start an Emergency Fund.
Congratulations! You just painlessly saved $130 – $150/month for your Rainy Day Emergency Fund.
We can help Barry fix this mistake in just a few minutes. All he needs is a piece of paper, a pen and a calculator.
Don’t be like Barry. We’ve put together a few helpful articles, links and calculators here. No sales pitch… really.
December 31, 2024
Close at noon
January 1, 2025
December 24, 2024
Close at noon
December 25, 2024
In observance of Columbus Day, the credit union will be CLOSED
Monday, October 14, 2024.